Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

Forgotten Victims No More: Putting Elder Abuse in the Spotlight with Paul Greenwood

July 12, 2019

This episode focuses on elder abuse. The guest, Paul Greenwood, was a Deputy District Attorney with the San Diego DA’s office, where, until his retirement last year, was the head of the Elder Abuse Protection Unit at the District Attorney’s office. Paul now spends his post retirement training law enforcement and other prosecutors and also provides consulting services to other lawyers engaged in elder abuse litigation. Our guest has prosecuted over 750 felony cases and is here to talk about this work – some cases he has been involved in, what makes seniors vulnerable, some misconceptions about investigations, red flags identifying mismanagement of older adults, and common ways older adults are being scammed. According to our guest, there are many things we can do to protect others from becoming a victim, and he will share these recommendations with us. Living to 100 is about successful aging and also about risk management, and this episode will give us some tools to do this.