Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

How to Manage Setbacks as We Grow Older with Dr. Hugh Pates

June 28, 2019

This episode is about how people face the many physical, emotional, and personal setbacks that frequently occur as we age. We will discuss many of the usual events that we encounter, such as a new medical condition, loss of hearing or vision, driving difficulty, a loss of a family member or close friend, and others. There will be a discussion of how people face these setbacks, sometimes being adaptive and healthy, and sometimes being not so adaptive. Our guest will share his experiences as a psychologist who, for many years, has worked with older adults facing a wide array of medical problems while residing in nursing homes. This episode will introduce an important concept about facing setbacks -- namely, how we "interpret" or explain these events to our self -- and will serve as a springboard for a discussion about how our outlook impacts the way we interpret these events, and how well we cope with them.