Living to 100 Club

Living to 100 Club

Movement is Medicine #2: Why Mobility is So Important with Advancing Age

July 17, 2023

This is a follow-up conversation to an earlier one just a year ago with Dan McFarlane. In this Living to 100 Club podcast, we continue our discussion about the importance of exercise. Movement is medicine. Beyond this, though, we look specifically at why mobility is the best description or definition of physical fitness. Dan has performed over 15,000 in-home therapy sessions, primarily with older adults. Primarily, he was referred patients with “generalized, age-related weakness” for this therapy.


Our guest teaches us the necessary exercises that are needed to stay fit, physically mobile, and functioning. In this episode, Dan shares his research and discoveries about physical fitness. Above all, we learn why consistency is more essential than intensity. And we learn why mobility is the key to continued functioning in advanced age. We also discuss Dan’s home exercise system, Mobility Max 10. His system is comprised of 20 exercises that are completed in 10 minutes. It is a simple system that provides therapeutic healing. Surprisingly, the system is installed in any door frame. And it keeps exercise and fitness within the reach of anyone. Most importantly, it also delays age-related weakness and loss of mobility.




Mini Bio

Daniel McFarlane is a Certified Personal Trainer and a Physical Therapists Assistant who does house calls. He has performed over 15,000 in-home therapy sessions, primarily with senior citizens. “Ninety % of my patients were prescribed Physical Therapy because of generalized age related weakness.” He realized that as a senior citizen, he could not let this happen to himself. After years of research and experimentation, Dan discovered the essential facts about physical fitness. These discoveries lead him to create the Mobility Max 10 Minute Home Exercise System. “For the past 10 years I exercise only 10 minutes per day!" As Dan states, "My fitness age is 20-30 years younger than my actual age”.



Dan's Website: MobilityMax10


Dan's Facebook page: Mobility Max LLC


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