The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

047: Reach Out and Gather In with Karen Ehman

November 18, 2020

“Real ministry is not the big mission we go out to accomplish, but the person right in front of us!”
In this episode, New York Times Best-Selling author and speaker, Karen Ehman, shares from her newest book, Reach Out, Gather In: 40 Days to Opening Your Heart and Home, about seeing beyond ourselves to the needs of others.

We can too easily become consumed by our own lives and personal needs that we overlook others and miss the opportunities around us. While some people may be more naturally gifted at hospitality, God calls us all to reach out and notice others, especially the ones who least expect to be seen.

Karen challenges all believers to choose a life of welcome, opening our homes when possible and our hearts always.
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Important Takeaways from Show

"If your circumstances have you down, go find someone who has it worse than you and make their day. Somehow it will make your day as well!" ~ Karen's mom
You can be hospitable wherever you're at; there are always people who long to be welcomed in
Become a person who is always on the lookout for the marginalized and lonely
Hospitality is less about impressing or entertaining people with your home and more about refreshing and loving the people God brings into your life
People will never forget how you make them feel
Start small by intentionally taking time to truly listen and connect with someone
Soul sharing: caring for that deepest part of another human being
Listen between the lines for heart drops (when someone says something without saying it)
Reaching out and gathering in is a great way to point people to Jesus
"[God] comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God" ~ 2 Corinthians 1:4
Look at your natural talents, passions and spiritual gifts for ways God wants to use you to reach others
Start by showing love and hospitality to your own family
Go find your old self - someone who is going through what you've been through
Choose not to compare or judge
We tend to hold back in fear of being judged when we ourselves have a propensity to judge others
Your unique gifting is needed

Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
Romans 12:13

Links from Show
NEW BOOK: Reach Out, Gather In: 40 Days to Opening Your Heart and Home
Proverbs 31 Ministries
BOOK: Keep It Shut: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say Nothing at All
Thanksgiving Printable
BLOG: The Art of Gratitude with Rachel Wojo
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Connect with Karen Ehman
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