The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

034: Living Out Your Call Part 1 with Robin Jones Gunn

June 03, 2020

 “True confidence is found in Christ alone!”
In this episode, my dear friend and best-selling author, Robin Gunn, shares her personal journey of growing in confidence. Robin is the author of nearly 100 books and in many ways has become a mother of the faith to this generation of women through her faith-filled stories that depict real life struggles and situations.

As an author and a person of faith, she has had to learn to rely on God's empowerment to fulfill His calling on her life. When we look to our abilities we will always come up short, but when we choose to accept that the One who calls us is also the One who both equips us and determines the outcome, then we can have confidence that His purposes will be accomplished.
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Important Takeaways from Show

Our job is to walk in faith and obedience and trust God with the results
Blessings always come inside obedience
God puts boundaries on our lives to truly set us free
Your confidence in God and His ability to work through you grows as you step out in faith more
When we recognize a gift or calling from God in our lives, we have to rely on Him to make it possible
Apart from God we can do nothing (John 15:15), but we can do all things through Christ (Phil 4:13)
In Creation, God only made one part at a time and He still called it "good"
Guilt does not bring the life and change that God desires for us
Have faith that what needs to get done will get done and trust God with the rest
King David did not get to build the temple but He still fulfilled the purposes of God in His time (Acts 13:36)
God wants to give you confidence to do only what He is putting before you, rather than taking on the expectations of others
Be willing to dream a dream that may not be fulfilled in your generation
Be faithful to do whatever part God has placed in front of you in His strength

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. ~Philippians 1:6

Links from Show
Christy Miller Series
Becoming Us: A Novel (Haven Makers Book 1)
Being Known: A Novel (Haven Makers Book 2) 
Spoken For: Embracing Who You Are and Whose You Are
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