Living Grace Ministry

Living Grace Ministry

Latest Episodes

Seek First: Empty Yourself (Philippians 2:1-8)
March 29, 2023

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The way of Christ is one where we empty ourselves and are free to seek the good of others over our own.

Seek First: A Worthy Investment (Luke 19:11-26)
March 19, 2023

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. What are we investing our lives in? Kingdom investments always have the greatest returns and will be ones we will never regret.

Seek First: The Flow of Joy (Romans 12:9-14)
March 12, 2023

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. We can experience the unending steam of Gods joy and blessing if we can learn to let go of that which hinders us and open our eyes to the joy.

Memento Mori (Genesis 3:17-19)
March 05, 2023

Message from Pastor David Beck. We will all experience death in our lives, for others and ourselves. While that is natural–and can be scary–remembering and acknowledging death can help us

Seek First: The Primary Prayer (Matthew 6:1-15)
February 27, 2023

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Our first prayer (in priority) should be the prayer Jesus taught us which is not about our desires or our attempts at manipulating reality but it is about putting God

Seek First: Abdicating the Throne (Ephesians 4:17-24)
February 19, 2023

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. If we want God to be king and to lead our lives, we first need to learn how to give up the throne of our lives.

Seek First: God’s Purposes Pt. 1 (Jeremiah 29:10-14)
February 12, 2023

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. If we want to find our purpose for life, we need to sync up our purposes to God’s purposes for us–for his purposes for our life are good!

Seek First: Kingdom Community (Hebrews 10:19-25)
February 05, 2023

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. One of the important ways we can both experience and seek the Kingdom of God is in our fellowship and community with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Seek First: The Easy Yoke (Matthew 11:25-30)
January 29, 2023

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. Jesus calls the weary to come to him not to receive more burdens to carry but to find an easy yoke where we can live in the freedom and joy of the kingdom, trusting Go

Seek First: Kingdom Reality (Matthew 6:25-32)
January 22, 2023

Message from Pastor Steve Khang. The Kingdom of God isn’t some pipedream or mere psychological state of being, but living in it, immersed in the reality that there is an all powerful king of the
