Live Your Own Fit | LYF Performance

Aerobic Health & Performance | How To Improve It?
If you have ever done ANYTHING to follow lifestyle improvements, breathing or mindset techniques, ANYTHING that is considered a healthier choice (by me haha) you are unknowingly doing something to either increase oxygen levels in the cell, or at least doing something that reduces oxygen levels by the least.
Your poor lifestyle and habits are lowering your cellular oxygen.
Low oxygen levels create a more ANAEROBIC environment in your mitochondria, where energy production occurs.
The worst thing for health, for all living things on earth, is chronic low levels of oxygen.
Aerobic is Health | Anaerobic is increased stress products, poor health, &
inefficient energy.
Oxygen is Key to Life
Inflammation lowers cellular oxygen
Stress lowers cellular oxygen
Very brief anaerobic exercise can be good (for some), but I'm talking about long term aerobic or anaerobic environments.
If you want to feel better, get fitter, be healthier, or perform better in everything you do, you need more oxygen in your cells.
I let you know how I got 'fitter' without even exercising.
I explain deeper theories around aerobic and MAF exercise, and how breathing rate is more important than heart rate.
1 Breathing influences cellular oxygen
2 inflammation lowers cellular oxygen
3 Oxidative stress lowers cellular oxygen
4 Stress lowers cellular oxygen
All life on earth needs oxygen. At the top of everything your lifestyle habits are trying to change/improve, they are all under the category of "ways to increase oxygen in your cells and mitochondria"