Live Your Own Fit | LYF Performance

Live Your Own Fit | LYF Performance

Focus on Micronutrients | PODCAST # 36

March 18, 2021

Focus on Micronutrients. 

The Importance of Food Throughout Our Evolution and Now.

In this episode I talk about the big picture, and how increasing our knowledge and changing our perceptions and beliefs can lead to huge improvements in our health and happiness.


If we trace our beginnings as a planet, and as a life form, and then as homo sapiens, I believe we will be better equipped with knowledge that will help better our health today.

Also, if we acknowledge the veil of perception that we live by in the present day, and strip away the convenient beliefs we hold, we will see how modern a world we really live in and how it affects our relationship with our evolutionary history.

Through all the research I’ve done on how the body works to produce energy, and how to be healthy (meaning free of dis-ease), it is obvious that humans do not have an inherited flaw with their relationship with the planet earth, or with the food available to us over the course of our evolution. 

In fact it is the food we ate during our evolution that is one of the keys we can use to find our way back to health.

The culture of humans is no longer based on survival of the fittest and healthiest as it has been for 200,000 years, but on beliefs, from many different sources, that prioritise morality and a herd mentality. Whether it be peer pressure to eat what your peers believe is the healthiest food, or the cool food to eat after a workout as a treat, or the convenience of packaged food and marketin,g  1st world societies in particular are making decisions based on beliefs, not on knowledge and experiences.

Throughout our evolution, homo sapiens had developed knowledge of the foods we ate and how they affected those in our tribe, and other tribes, and in their offspring, and elderly. Food had a purpose, and the beliefs came from knowledge passed down over thousands of years.

Bacteria help break down and create nutrients into more absorbable forms, so we can benefit more from what we are eating if we have good gut microbiome; and how to we get good microbiome? By eating healthy! 

So it goes, that in evolution relying on food alone was not enough, but that we have always needed bacteria to help us get more from the food.

Medications, antibiotics, poor food and drink choices can effect the microbiome, and actually make it start working against us, negatively influencing our hormones. 

Don’t think of the bacteria as something you want to manipulate, think of it as something you need to remain accountable to. 100 trillion bacteria that are your students. Feeding yourself right means feeding them right, and they will grow to be beneficial for you. Frequently eat processed foods or sugars and they will change according to the nasty environment you create.