Live Your Own Fit | LYF Performance

Live Your Own Fit | LYF Performance

How To Improve Digestion.

October 05, 2020

The transitioning phase from a SAD (standard australian diet) to a whole food diet. During this episode Jaimielle and I dive into:
What you can expect during the transition phase.
Things you should be aware of, that may make you feel “different” when you change to a healthier diet.
Below is the unedited script from our Podcast. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Happy listening



If you think changing your diet is not good for you, it encompasses too much 'pain', and you want to keep doing what you are doing, then keep reading. We ask you to have an open mind, be open to change. To help you make the jump, below are are a bunch of reasons to adopt the short term pain for long term gain.  

Changing to a healthier diet, may at first not feel good. There's lots of nuance to the many levels here but we will try to give a broad overview.

Firstly we need to define what we mean when we say a “healthy diet”.

This simply means eating unprocessed real food. This includes consuming the minimal daily intake of protein from whole quality protein sources such as meat, fish, and eggs,  as this will trigger repair and rebuild of your body each day. 

More simply, eat meat fish and eggs as your main food at a majority of your meals, as opposed to eating processed foods that are high in glycemic load (i.e processed carbohydrates), which will turn to sugar once you eat them. 

So if you currently don’t eat like this, or say you tried but couldn’t, here we will talk about what you might experience if you do change to a healthy diet, or why you couldn’t make the change in the past.

Some of the things you thought were healthy may not have been healthy for you. IF you started having raw green smoothies, here are a few issues you may have encountered.

These include:
Bowel movements (faster or slower)
Dislike the taste of these new foods
Indigestion and gas
Skin issues
Aches and pains
Weight gain. Hold tight we will explain why in a little bit….

 If you experience symptoms other than perfect health, then you should understand that the big picture means all your cells and hormones are a little less than perfect too. Everything is connected.

So no matter how you ended up where you are, if you have less than perfect health, your digestion is likely to be less than perfect also. Subsequently any change to your diet may be for the better, albeit it may not feel like it at first as many things may be out of their “perfect” connection and function with one another.

This podcast is not about the answers to your symptoms, it is about the causes of symptoms. And when we say causes, we mean a very broad general picture of stuff that is going on that could be the cause. We are not offering any diagnosis or remedy, although we will give some hints to what MIGHT help, and what MIGHT hinder.

Lets start with the obvious - what is the point of food? To provide us with vitamins and minerals which are essential, and protein and fats which are essential.

These are the factors that allow us to be alive, to produce energy.

Sadly for the majority food is also a source of anxiety, physical pain and discomfort.

Some problems from food are related to:
Not being able to digest it well
High sugar content
Microbiome unbalanced due to a high sugar and low protein low fat diet
Plant toxins causing leaky gut
Plant compounds causing autoimmune reactions
Histamine intolerance
Reactions or deficiencies caused by oxalates, lectins, phytic acids, enzyme inhibitors, alkaloiods, tannins, fibre, and the plant  list goes on and on.