The JaK Attack! Podcast

The JaK Attack! Podcast

The JaK Attack! Episode 17.13 - The JaK Attack! podcast

March 29, 2017

Welcome to show number 2017.13, sprat-o-leenies!!
Show Notes

Windsor Nova Scotia really is the home of Sam Slick!
Jon babbles about his fish tank. Mystery Snails and Cobra Guppies.
Kelly re-discovers James Blunt
09:08 - Kelly's Corner

Hoverboards are dumb.
Androids meshing with humans on Live Science!
Jon hijacks the show for a few minutes. Flashback!!!
Kelly finds the Transparent Touchpad. Flexible, possibly wearable, touchpads.
Perhaps the word Hydrogel word is being used too much.
Jon forgets Kelly's Corner.

20:00 - Jon babbles about privacy

Today is National "Sell All Your Data Day!" in the United States
Canada's PIPEDA act
Canadian personal information consent information includes browser history.
Michael Geist post about PIPEDA where Jon pulled a lot of his data from.
2008 Federal ruling about personal information, eh?
European Union's Data Localization laws will only allow EU data to be transferred to 11 countries. Weirdly, 2 of them are Five-Eyes countries.

41:00 - Shout outs and Bork Outs

Someone gives away death-row dogs! We have no link. Deal.
Heart Warm, not "Heart Worm"!

44:40 - Listener Feedback

FreeBSD, bitches!

The JaK Attack! 2017.13 - OGG