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Why Not investigate Fraud and Waste rather Than direct cuts
November 02, 2011

Investigate Fraud  and Abuse---instead of cutting Needed Social and Military prgrams that are absolutely Necessary !!                                   Another Possibility that may produce more savings than mandatory c

Hang in There Herman-the DNC is Running Scared
October 29, 2011

DNC is Running Scared Hang in There Herman! President Obama doesn't want a Black Republican draining His support of Black Democrats. Please shove the word...Iraq back in his face to show that Americans of color, many of them, do support the party of Linc

Why are the networks avoiding Newt Gingrich
October 28, 2011

Avoiding Newt Gingrich seems to be taking place across our Great Nation. Why is this happening? I have my thoughts and questions as to why most of the Networks are seemingly dodging any reference to the this former Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Logic of a Balanced Budget Should Prevail to All
September 21, 2011

Always in Debt is like being in the process of dying!! You're strangling You are voiceless to the persons or parties to whom the debts are owed... And if the debt goes unpaid, the assets you think you own may be foreclosed (in this country) or physically

Protect Ourselves Create a Balanced Budget Amendment
September 19, 2011

National Insurance As the rhetoric continues to be wrapped around the politics of the moment, there is no end or fairness in the debate of hostility between the opponents. Whether you are a Democrat or a Rep;ublican we have to quit this constant referenc

A Balanced Budget Amendment Is the Answer
September 09, 2011

 We Must Make a Balanced Budget Mandatory in order to pay our bills and return to fiscal prosperity and growth...   Please listen to this little 3 minute audio and see if you agree that the two parties will never compromise enough to separate themsel
