

Latest Episodes

The Tyler Analysis of the Future of America-a Podcast
December 17, 2011

the Future of America  As more and more of the American public continue to request favors, entitlements, and a ton of other “services” from their elected officials we have amassed a $15-17 Trillion dollar debt. It looks like this—>>>   ($15,000,0

The Tyler Analysis of the Future of America-a Podcast
December 09, 2011

                  the Future of America  As more and more of the American public continue to request favors, entitlements, and a ton of other "services" from their elected officials we have amassed a $15-17 Trillion dollar debt. It looks

Is a 2 Party Political System serving the Common Good
December 01, 2011

Who is Serving the Common Good? A Serious Challenge to all Americans! Are We Willing to listen and make required Changes?  Democrats and Republicans, the two major parties in this Great Nation, continue to babble and blame each other for all things at a

My Uncle John-A Special God Father and Mentor
November 22, 2011

My Uncle John L. Smith , Jr. (1917-2011) Heavenly Reunion Began-October 27, 2011  Loving Son, Husband, Father, Brother, and Uncle began his  life being born the second child of John Leonard Smith and Margaret ( News )  of Chester, Pa. He shared his e

A Gift of Friendship-A Brothers Life and Love
November 16, 2011

 A Brother's Life and Love Robert L. Gruhler         ( 1940-2011 )          The Gruhler and Thompson families this morning lost a Brother,      father, Grandfather, Uncle, Cousin, of a very large extended family of loving relativ

Are we Making China a Scapegoat for American Mismanagement
November 12, 2011

Are we Making China a Scapegoat? As the holidays approach, the giant Asian factories are kicking into high gear to provide Americans with monstrous piles of cheaply produced goods -- merchandise that has been produced at the expense of American labor. Thi

Some Paradoxes in Our Lives-A Podcast
November 09, 2011

 Do you see a Forest being made or a pine cone decaying? Can you envision some paradoxes in your life that could be imaged? An introduction of my podcast category, Our Lives, that I will be testing in both Itunes and Lifejustiz® ( My Blog ). Paradoxes

Politics Not Poison-Please Pay Attention to Truth
November 08, 2011

Politics Not Poison--Should be the Issue ! The President, facing a very serious challenge to his Presidency and Leadership Qualities appears not to be satisfied with the Bully Pulpit that all Presidents enjoy, along with all the values of an 'over-stuffed

Local Podcast topics Needed-Please submit
November 07, 2011

 As readers of Lifejustiz® ( a Local Podcast ) many of you have asked me why I didn't do a podcast. This little audio will share what I would like to be doing on my Lifejustiz® podcast stationed on Itunes.... As I gain the ideas of making this all co

ACLU at it again-Why did Judge Roy Poole lose
November 05, 2011

Is the ACLU defending our rights of free exercise of religion or are they creating a State Religion  called--Atheism (No Religion)? Click on below to learn more...of Alabama Judge Roy Poole
