

Latest Episodes

A Special Look into the Bread of Life Discussed in John 6 62-63
August 26, 2012

Bread of Life Discussed Further      Inn 2010 I Placed my first post on the Bread of Life Discourse relative to a discussion of the Catholic Sacrament of the Eucharist celebrated at our Masses. I attach that reference for your preliminary backgroun

Are Our Own Laws being Used Against America by Hostile Foreign Activity
July 11, 2012

US SOLDIER DENIED SERVICE AT MUSLIM OWNED GAS STATION We must stand up to evil Islam and throw it out of our country! The towel heads need to support our freedoms or get out of our country. This video is a good example of exposing evil as commanded in

From One Geezer to Anyone Who Wants To Hear It
April 19, 2012

The Things We Used to Focus On!   In recent years our presidents haven't been anything to brag about but most of this message is great...  Since the ones receiving this e-mail are all members of this GREAT BRIGADE , I think you will like this one! Re

A Time for Listening and Evaluating-Not Party Politics
March 22, 2012

Editor's Note: There comes a time in all Nation's Histories that it's citizens are called to set aside petty political loyalties and self-serving thought,  behavior, and civil disrespect of it's laws and regulations...This will be a time for listening t

Complacency in Politics Leads to Our Downfall-Listen
February 02, 2012

Complacency In Politics Leads to A Nation's Sickness, decay, and then, Natural Death.  This short Podcast will touch on a few of Professor Tyler's comments  and why the Life of a Democracy is just a temporary lifespan due to the vile and immoral behavi

Beautiful Prose Great Ideas How Will We Pay For This Stuff
January 26, 2012

How Will We Pay For This Stuff President Obama spoke at length on Tuesday evening and seemed quite pleased with all of his accomplishments...and new ways to increase more Federal employees and programs...still deficient in his discussions on how can we ke

This is Sad but Has to be Considered Immediately
January 13, 2012

Proposed 28th Amendment Friends,  No matter what your political persuasions are, we all know the following to be true.  Please read this, and if you are compelled, please pass it onto your 20+.  PLEASE BE THE FIRST OF MY "20"!!!!! I challenge you to

Is the Liberal Media again Directing an Obama Victory
January 12, 2012

 Liberal Media Manipulation? Pay attention Folks! Hopefully, many of you will agree with the message contained in my podcast. If you do agree that the National Networks are doing their very best to control the vetting process of making sure the record of

My Last Uncle is Gone-John Leonard Smith Jr-Smythe
January 07, 2012

A legacy Passes to His Reward   John Leonard Smith, Jr.  1917-2011  (My Last living Uncle)                Smythe, as I affectionately called him, was a revered son, uncle, father, brother over the long life he lived. He always was consu

a Gift of Friendship-a Brothers Life and Love- a Podcast
January 06, 2012

Robert L. Gruhler  ( 1940-2011 )  Best Friend of:   The Gruhler Kids of Mill Road Vineland NJ-1948 (L to R) Jack, Marge, Barb, Sue. Gerry, Bobby  For my personal memories of my brother, Bob please click below: The stroll by Bob Editor Note: A similar