Lifestyle As Medicine

Lifestyle As Medicine

Self-awareness and Body Cues: Understanding your needs, w/ Vilmaliz Bosque.

September 29, 2021

In today’s episode, Vilma and I talk about the importance of understanding your body, it’s cues, and the affects of our choices. Our bodies are fantastic messengers, if only we have the ability to listen. Vilma will talk you through the importance of giving your body what needs, whether that be time, experiences, or a cheese burger. The key being having the self-awareness to know when to make these decisions, and how you might be affected.

You will also hear:

  • Vilma’s journey as an entrepreneur.
  • Why she takes a “weekend” day in the middle of the week, but works Sundays.
  • How she achieves balance without sacrificing joy.

You can find Vilma at:

Her instagram

Her Website