Women Rising Together

Women Rising Together

Latest Episodes

Let’s Get Relational Episode 25: When to Say Yes and When to Say No
April 15, 2021

This one is tough! Check in with yourself when you're making a decision and listen to what your initial response is. You may find that once you think on it more, that your decision may change! Our initial response is often the "conditioned" response an...

Let’s Get Relational Episode 24: You ARE Worthy
April 08, 2021

How often has a voice in your head told you that you're not enough? That you can't do this or that because you don't deserve it? We've found that this is something people struggle with A LOT – their sense of self-worth.

Let’s Get Relational Episode 23: Creating an Extraordinary Life Starts with YOU!
April 01, 2021

The first step in creating a life that excites you, brings you joy, fulfillment and purpose is making the choice. Are you ready for an extraordinary life?

Let’s Get Relational Episode 22: What do you REALLY want?
March 25, 2021

We often get caught up in trying to please other people. And when we do, we forget to check in with ourselves. We forget about what WE really want. So check in. What do you REALLY want?

Let’s Get Relational Episode 21: Pandemic Challenged?
March 18, 2021

Wow! It's been a year since lockdown happened. And plenty of challenges have come up, and more are coming! But we're ALL doing our best to keep on keeping on.

Let’s Get Relational Episode 20: Confidence and Courage
February 24, 2021

Ah... sweet, sweet confidence. What everyone wants, but only few have. Well... WRONG! Confidence is LEARNABLE. Seriously! It takes a little bit of work to retrain your brain but it IS possible to be as confident as you've always wanted to be.

Let’s Get Relational Episode 19: Inner Resourcefulness
February 17, 2021

For many of us, we've gone through life needing things from other people. Doing our best to try and fill ourselves up by seeking the love, support, and energy from others. But to be truly resourced, that love,

Let’s Get Relational Episode 18: Coping Mechanisms
February 10, 2021

We all have ways of dealing with strong emotions, specifically ones that tend to incite reactive behavior – stress, anger, anxiety, hurt etc. What are the coping mechanisms you use to deal with unpleasant feelings?

Let’s Get Relational Episode 17: Triggers
February 03, 2021

Triggers are attached to wounds. Wounds are attached to trauma. Getting “triggered” is really just an activation of a deep hurt that was caused in your past. And it’s important to be AWARE of those hurts, so healing can take place.

Let’s Get Relational Episode 16: Resilience
January 28, 2021

Resilience is having the strength to keep moving forward, to keep putting one foot in front of the other. It can also mean choosing a path that you know is right for you, even when there are others who think otherwise. Keep on going!