Lead From the Heart

Lead From the Heart

Buster Benson: Mastering The Art Of Productive Disagreement

February 07, 2020

Can you recall the last time you tried to talk to someone about a personal, political or work issue and quickly discovered the other person’s view of the situation was completely different than yours?

How’d that work out for you? 

If words like “strained,” “painful,” “awful” or “never again,” come to mind – you have a lot of company.  

But to be truly effective leaders – not to mention friends, spouses and colleagues – we simply can’t choose to avoid having difficult conversations. It’s a fact of life that some conflict comes with all our relationships.

So, how can we make our disputes & wrangling with other people more successful?  How can we maneuver through an argument with our partner, challenge the performance of an employee, or generally disagree with anyone in our life more productively?

Former Amazon, Twitter, & Slack executive Buster Benson joins us on this podcast to discuss his new best-seller, “Why Are We Yelling? The Art Of Productive Disagreement.

Listen in as Buster shares several remarkable ideas on how you can diffuse the emotional charge that frequently comes with disputes and disagreements. And knowing how to turn disagreements into productive interactions is a profound leadership power and skill to possess.

As you’ll surely agree, the timing for learning these skills couldn’t be better.