Lead From the Heart

Lead From the Heart

Kim Scott: Leading With Radical Candor

October 25, 2019

Kim Scott is the author of the business bestseller, Radical Candor, a book which argues that caring deeply about people has become a leadership essential.

At some of the top Silicon Valley technology firms, Kim repeatedly proved that relating personally to employees establishes the trust & respect that’s needed for leaders to not just set higher standards of performance, but to consistently meet them. 

Kim worked as an executive coach at both Twitter and Dropbox and was a training executive at both Google and Apple. She developed the “Managing At Apple” class that continues to be taught today.  In this episode, she is highly informative, insightful and shares some entertaining but instructive stories about some well-known technology executives.  She makes it a must listen!

Some of the most innovative organizations on the planet have discovered that a “radical” change in leadership practices requires a greater balance between mind & heart.  It’s guests like Kim Scott that has resulted in the Lead From The Heart podcast attracting an audience in 128 countries after just 36 episodes.