Lead From the Heart

Lead From the Heart

Rich Karlgaard: Forbes Magazine Publisher Says “Hail To The Late Bloomer,” Which Is Most Of Us

October 11, 2019

As a society, we crazily over-celebrate early achievement as being the best & perhaps only kind of achievement, but compelling new research shows most people are actually late bloomers. And because of this, the premise that early blooming is necessary for lifelong success is simply & massively flawed.

For any parent worried their kid's lives will be stunted if they don't get accepted to a top college, for anyone concerned that their career is doomed because they didn't get off to a fast start -- and for all managers who were taught humans beings are limited in their growth potential as they age, Forbes Magazine publisher Rich Karlgaard offers highly informed & highly encouraging news on this podcast.

Karlgaard's insights come from compelling and broad research, but he's also a late bloomer himself. Despite having a leg up after graduating from Stanford University, he held jobs as a security guard, clerk typist and dishwasher before finding his path in his mid-20's. And, as you'll hear, his life worked out just fine. And the good news for all of us listening in, we actually get better with age, not worse.