Lead From the Heart

Lead From the Heart

Tomas Chamorrow-Premuzik: Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?

April 05, 2019

Google the word, “boss” & you’ll find answers like “abusive,” ”crazy,” “mean” & “incompetent.” Two-thirds of workers today say they’d forgo a raise in exchange for a new manager. According to Columbia University & University College London business psychology professor, Tomas Chamorrow-Premuzik, this is because most managers today, often male, lack the traits needed to inspire other people in their jobs.

We’ve long believed charismatic people with great confidence make the best managers. Turns out they don’t. Leaders who possess these traits actually often become the worst leaders!

In this riveting podcast, we discuss Chamorrow’s new bestseller, “Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? As you’ll hear, his research shows women often make much better leaders because they focus more on others than themselves. Tomas is a brilliant guy with insight every leader needs to hear & understand. The way we lead & manage today isn't working and whether your goal is to become a more effective manager -- or to ensure you pick the right people for leadership roles going forward, listen in!