Latest Episodes
Episode 9 - Building a Guild - Part 1
This week, we're doing a campaign episode, and we are talking about our first Campaign / Goal - Building our Kinky Guild. All week, we have been spending a lot of time thinking about what kind of comm
Episode 8 - Sustainer's Keep Challenge
This was a really fun quest! We set out to harness the power of science to discover just how much weight Ana could manage to carry using her PC muscles (with the help of a few different sized plugs!)
Episode 7 - KinkQuest Campaigns
I cannot possibly communicate via blog post how very excited I am to finally be podcasting again! We have really missed podcasting and Twitter and all of the various ways that KinkQuest connected us t
Episode 6 - Aftercare and Care
This week, we've been working way too many hours, and we're both in need of some aftercare, so it seemed like a good time to chat about what aftercare is, what drop looks like, and how we can all take better care of one another.
Episode 5 – Cupcake Sitting
This week, we did our first official Quest Episode! We thought, since we're celebrating the launch of the website, cupcake sitting would be a nice, celebratory place to start! For all the details about how we did it and what we learned (and a littl...
Episode 4 – BDSM Baby Steps
This week, we're still working on getting listeners up to speed on our story. We're talking about all of the various milestones and moments that led us to our current dynamic. Join us!
Episode 3 – Respec
If you are a video gamer, you may be familiar with the concept of a respec during a playthrough (as in respecification.) You advance down one particular skill tree as you level up and grow, but sometimes you realize that the path you are on isn't quite...
Episode 2 – Our First Event
Last week, we spent some time introducing ourselves and our plan for the community. This week, we wanted to get rolling with the fun stuff, so it seemed like a good place to start might be our first sex party.
Episode 1 – Starting a Podcast
This is episode 1 - we're talking about our new podcast and what our plans are for the podcast and the site. We aren't new to the world of kink, and we aren't new to the world of podcasting, but this is our first time combining the two!