Latest Episodes
Episode 19 – Cooperative Foreplay
This week, we are launching a new project that is part of the KinkQuest community - Cooperative Foreplay, a new home for podcast episodes that are specifically focused on reviewing ero-games (adult vi
Episode 18 – KinkFest!!!
This is a long episode! We recorded all of our thoughts and stories from attending KinkFest in Portland, Oregon, so whether you are wondering what it's like to go to a Kink Convention or wondering whe
Episode 17 – Monogamish
This week, we're talking about how we came to our complicated relationship status and how it fits into the community around us.
Episode 16 – Are You My Pancake?
This week, we're talking about submission styles and the way that sometimes people with different ideas about what submission means can clash in the community. We talk about: Finding the right
Episode 15 – In Which We Are Terrible Podcasters
This week we are back after way too long away and catching anyone still listening up on where we have been and where we are going next! We talk about: Planning play parties and building in-per
Episode 14 – Lube Lords
This week, we're getting creative in the kitchen, making home-made whipped lube! The recipe is still a work in progress, but here is what we are working with right now: 10 oz Shea Butter
Episode 13 – The Protocol Game
We have been trying to play Sinclair Sexsmith's Protocol Game for years now, and have just started to really make it work for us lately. In this episode, we talk about some of the experiments that wen
Episode 12 – Topping from the Bottom???
We're back! After a long stretch of not recording, we are recording again and looking to make some much-needed updates to the community! This week, we're talking about our new D/s dynamic, how we
Episode 11 - A Trip to Collared Grove
This week, we are talking about a subject that has a really broad array of meanings to people in the kink world - collaring! We talk a little about what it means to us, and the different meanings that
Episode 10 – A Visit to Anal Islet
This week, we celebrated our tenth episode by visiting one of Soren's favorite places, Anal Islet. We talk about our adventures with Anal this week, but also about processing the aftereffects when