Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Latest Episodes

Improbable History: Red Scare in VT and the GOP Urgency on Kavanaugh Explained
October 09, 2018

Shocking history then and now: Liberal Vermont and the Red Scare in the Green Mountains. On part one, Rick Winston discusses his new book. And on part two: why the frantic rush to get Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court? Marjorie

Yemen: An Accountability Free Zone
October 04, 2018

Bombing a school bus that killed 44 children in Yemen was almost two months ago! We Americans have had so many other distractions since then. But the marriage of commerce and war continues largely unnoticed. The military contractors learned that

Universal Basic Income: An Old Idea Whose Time is Near
October 02, 2018

Economic despair in the face of unimaginable wealth? Scarcity in a reality of plenty? Is there now a  case for giving every American a share of a public wealth fund? In what ways might a universal basic income work to

America’s Long Aversion to Truth
September 27, 2018

It did not begin with Trump. How have we gotten to this place where truth and lies are interchangeable? There are a lot of factors not the least of which is the clutter and chaos of the internet, where anything

The Tango War: Key To Who Would Win WWII
September 25, 2018

There’s the European theater and the Pacific. But hidden away as both sides preferred, Latin America held the key to which side would be victorious. There were a lot of Germans in Brazil, vital war resources in Central America and

High School Kids Leading Us All, Not Waiting to “Grow Up”
September 20, 2018

Remember your not-so-great high school days? Remember wanting to be respected while being consistently treated as less-than? According to author Eric David Dawson, “the system is set up to be destructive of everybody.” His new book,

From Rhetorical to Full On Fascism
September 18, 2018

With his open appreciation of violent white nationalists, his insistence that he is above laws, his admiration for dictators, Trump has long embraced the rhetoric of fascism. But with his new attacks on the Justice Department for indicting his special

Bacevich: Our Fixation with Trump is Actually a Distraction
September 13, 2018

“Critics see Trump as an abomination, but he is also one of us.” So says Andrew Bacevich scholar and author of the forthcoming book “Twilight of the American Century.” He explains in this podcast that Trump is one of a

Pan-Africanism: Can Colonialism Be Overcome?
September 11, 2018

Nearly every inch of Africa used to be owned and controlled by the colonial powers: British, French, German, Portuguese, Belgian, Spain. Mussolini’s Italy finally went after its share with a one sided assault on Ethiopia in 1936. Is the long

Chicago Plus 50: Positive Lessons for 2018
September 06, 2018

Blood in the streets. Chaos at the convention. The establishment Democrats won and then they lost. From the vantage point of 50 years later, it may surprise some how less has changed and been learned than we might have thought.