Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Latest Episodes

After A Right Wing Coup, Social Democracy Makes a Comeback
November 13, 2020

As Americans were dancing in the streets with the ousting of Trump, so the people of Bolivia  celebrated the return of Evo Morales, first indigenous president after a coup forced him to flee. The new president is Luis Arce, former

We Beat Trump, Now the Battle for the Soul of the Democratic Party
November 10, 2020

Former presidential candidate best selling author Marianne Williamson talks about why Trumpism arose, and what opportunities the Democratic Party now has. Will Biden be yet another neoliberal or will he listen to the very real causes of chronic despair...

What Are Right Wing Men Afraid Of?
November 06, 2020

Why the need for dominance and control? Why the huge draw of white working class men to Donald Trump? Does the appeal of violent police somehow make up for a sense of loss of male control over everybody else? On

The Day After: The War on Democracy Itself
November 04, 2020

Reagan kicked it off: the emotional manipulation of the word “freedom” obscures political realities. On this show, recorded the day after the vote, guest Ken Nanus analyses the data and concludes that, unlike actual conservatives,

Greek Fascist Party Convicted as a Criminal Gang
October 29, 2020

They went from a tiny group at the fringe to the third largest political party in Greece. In the birthplace of democracy, after a five year trial, the most significant anti-fascist trial since Nuremberg, the Golden Dawn has been convicted.

What A Defiant and Bold Democratic Party Looks Like
October 27, 2020

Even in a minority, fighting back carries a number of positives. On issues that matter to average Americans, Democrats have been pushed off course. Some thought the way to attract independents was timidity. As our guest Eleanor Eagan of the

Supreme Court: The Power to Obstruct Democracy
October 22, 2020

The framers of our Constitution intended the judicial system to be the “least dangerous branch” of government. They did not foresee today’s powerful national parties having the ability to short circuit democracy. As we see in action now, on this

Trump Floods the Mid-East with US Weapons
October 20, 2020

It’s all about bragging. Trump said his “deal” between the UAE and Israel would create a half million new jobs. The true number is less than a tenth of that. On this show Pentagon arms expert William Hartung explains how

Europe Going Its Own Way: Good for America Too?
October 15, 2020

The European nations don’t need enemies like the US does. Since geography is destiny, they see a bizarre American President and have their own economic interests beyond dependence on weapons systems. On this show international journalist Patrick Lawren...

Voting in Indian Country, A View from the Trenches
October 13, 2020

We know about voter suppression against African Americans but what about Indigenous Americans, Indians? The effort to disenfranchise the 2% of the national population is not a secret, yet nearly unknown. On this show author Jean Schroedel shares distur...