Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Latest Episodes

Why Pakistan Matters. A Lot.
February 16, 2023

How big do you think Pakistan is? Would you guess over 200 million people? Its a nuclear armed power, deeply in debt, with a few rich powers and the military in control. On this show Murtaza Hussain

How Ted Kennedy’s Liberalism Strengthened America, And Still Can
February 13, 2023

The Trumpist right today has had no small success erasing the productive history of liberalism. Todays guest is author, lecturer, and journalist for The Washington Monthly David Masciotra who in this

How Our Justice System Commodifies Children and the Poor
February 10, 2023

Though most of us never see it, instead of doing ethical justice, theres a whole factory system routinely, intentionally turning injustice into revenue. On this show law professor, lawyer, and advoca

The Power of Kids Drawing Deportation
February 09, 2023

Children have fewer filters: when they see and experience injustice theyre not scared to draw pictures of the truth. In her new book Drawing Deportation Art and Resistance among Immigrant Children a

Two Topics: 1) How Real Our Democracy? 2) Who is This Ruben Gallego
February 01, 2023

Is the US is merely a procedural, but not a substantive democracy? On part one, Franklin and Marshall history professor Van Gosse asks: what are the factors why we lack more actual democracy? And on p

Outsourcing War: Making Atrocities Invisible By The Wagner Group
January 31, 2023

Private Security Firms; just part of doing business, right? Blackwater was Americas version in Iraq; The Wagner Group is Russias today in Ukraine and Africa. Atrocities in the Donbass region of Ukra

Only Refugees Who Look Like Us Are Welcomed.
January 25, 2023

All refugees lives are threatened equally, so why are Ukrainians handed the welcome mat as it is denied to most others? On this show, Columbia University Professor and co-author Helen Benedict shares

America’s Old Tradition of “Civic Republicanism” Is New Again
January 23, 2023

Despite the obvious divides, both sides in todays fierce split may actually share a lot in common and can be pulled together for a better America by something traditional called Civic Republicanism.

The Israeli Far Right 2023: The Mask is Off
January 18, 2023

Suddenly in 2023, the aspiration of being the only democracy in the middle east is unraveling itself from within. With its turn to the far right, antidemocratic political Zionism is overpowering trad

Perspectives on 2022: Some Impressively Positive
January 12, 2023

In her CounterPunch essay, Medea Benjamin co-founder of CodePink writes of surprisingly good things that happened in 2022. On this show, she cites many genuinely positive developments and some hopeful