The Karen Kenney Show

The Karen Kenney Show

Don't Let them Ruin God For You

September 02, 2021

As a mentor and teacher who works with people that are spiritually curious, spiritually seeking or are doing deep personal & spiritual transformation work, I hear all kinds of comments like: “I’m a recovering Catholic” or “I haven’t prayed in 10 years” or “the word ‘God’ makes me cringe”, or “I don’t know what I even believe anymore”.

When we dive deeper into their experiences and stories behind those comments, one of the common things and themes that I discover is that for so many people “God” or a dogmatic approach to “God” by others, was either crammed down their throats as kids, or used as a threat, weapon or judgmental source against them.

In some cases, people were even taught that they didn’t “deserve” God’s Love or that they had to somehow figure out how to “earn” it or contort themselves to be “worthy” of it. What a racket! The adults, parents, priests/pastors, congregations, church, whoever/whatever if they’re not careful can totally ruin “God” for people.

Let me say this louder for the people in the back, God’s love is not something we have to earn. We’re born both deserving and worthy of it and yet somewhere along the way in our journey of life we can lose sight of that. Instead we start to believe the BS that we have to be “good enough” for God to even consider us lovable.

Today on The Karen Kenney Show, we’re talking about how sometimes our connection to the Divine gets muddled as we move through life. Often this is because we take on what others are saying as the “gospel truth” - instead of cultivating, exploring and experiencing our own personal relationship with the God of our own understanding for ourselves.

The reality is God/Source/Divine/Love/Spirit/Whatever You Call It is here for all of us. Standing always at the ready for us to come home to the loving truth. The trick is to step through that open waiting door and not let others ruin the experience of that unconditional and unwavering Love for us.