Just Fly Performance Podcast

Just Fly Performance Podcast

361: David Weck and Chris Chamberlin on Rotation, Side-Bending and Tensional Balance in a High-Performance Training Program

June 01, 2023

Today’s podcast features David Weck and Chris Chamberlin of WeckMethod.

David Weck is biomechanist, and the creator of a number of inventions that work key characteristics of human locomotion and movement, including the BOSU Balance Trainer.  David started the WeckMethod as a project to inspire and educate individuals on the importance of optimizing's human balance through locomotion as he works to make “Every Step Stronger” for everyone.

Chris Chamberlin is the Head Coach and Director of Education for the WeckMethod. Chris has over 15 years of coaching experience and a lifetime of personal practice in movement efficiency that has earned him recognition as a leader in innovative thought in the fitness industry.  Chris has both a creative approach to multi-planar training, as well as impressive “raw” strength levels in the traditional lifts.

If you browse the internet, you will easily see a lot of “functional” training exercises, designed to catch eyeballs, that build neither strength, nor functional ability.  The key in the effectiveness of any movement beyond a basic strength exercise is in its patterning, and closeness to the key characteristics of human locomotion, swinging and throwing.  When you find movements that allow your body to truly feel more of what it uses in these core human patterns, you can then “port” that movement into the scope of your core strength and speed training.

At the end of the day, whether you like the BOSU Ball or not, David’s keen observations of the core components of human movement have played a substantial role for me in how I observe the twisting, side bending and general locomotive mechanisms of the human being.  Chris Chamberlin has taken David’s observation and creativity, and put his lens of practicality onto the total process.

On the show today, David and Chris talk about how the WeckMethod helped Chris’s big-lifts to get even better, tool usage as an essential aspect of human movement, primal movement patterning in respect to training volume, bending and twisting integration into more traditional strength methods, concepts on the foot, and much more.

Today’s episode is brought to you by Lost Empire Herbs.

For 15% off your Lost Empire Herbs order, head to lostempireherbs.com/justfly.

To learn more about the Sprint Acceleration Essentials course, head to justflysports.thinkific.com

View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

Timestamps and Main Points
2:40 – The origin story of David and Chris connecting and training, and how David’s methods impacted Chris’s movement and strength

6:18 – The uniquely human element of using tools, from a training perspective

18:22 – How Chris’s background as a carpenter (as well as his family background) has impacted the say he sees human movement in light of physical work tasks

27:43 – The role of using variability in training to achieve a greater impact to the movement tissues of the body

34:41 – How the Weck Method tools and ideas can build into, not only one’s rotational movement flow and ability, but also one’s physical strength

54:22 – Thoughts on the inside edge of the foot and the outside of the foot as it pertains to athletic performance

1:21:33 – Digging into the idea of “every step as a rep” regarding the body in balance

1:36:58 – How to integrate coiling work, into linear work, through the scope of a session, and Chris’s “4:1” ratio

David Weck and Chris Chamberlin Quotes
“I had instantly set a 40-45lb PR in my overhead bent press, just from learning a drill from (David) in a meeting that was meant for running faster”

“To the extent possible, we want the tool to be the teacher, we want to do less with words, and what we want to do is get someone to feel it so they understand it implicitly, rather than us trying to explain something, taking a lot of time”

“We distilled (our method) down to sticks, stones and ropes”