Just Fly Performance Podcast

Just Fly Performance Podcast

Logan Christopher on Critical Mental Training Concepts and Athlete Learning Styles

November 18, 2021

Our guest for today’s show is Logan Christopher.  Logan is a strongman, author, owner of Legendary Strength and CEO of Lost Empire Herbs.  Logan previously appeared on episode 111 and episode 187, where he discussed mental training in depth, as well as the “6 layers” of strength.  Logan has also written several books including “Mental Muscle” and “Powered by Nature”, both of which I have found impactful reads.  Logan is a master of using the natural machinery of the body, our mind, and our environment to help us reach our highest potential as humans.

An interesting saying you hear over and over again is that “the game is all mental”, or it is “90% mental” by many elite athletes.  Although there are general physical standards to be successful in many sports (think of the body type of a runner or a jumper, or the long arms that are very helpful in making it to the NBA) it is impossible to overlook the role of the mind, especially in elite performers.  Perhaps one’s genetic structure can help one to “get in the door” in the sport they are most suited for, but it is always going to be the mind that allows them higher levels of success.

On the show today, Logan talks about many facets of both physical and mental training.  He starts with an important facet of coaching we haven’t gotten much into before, and that is on the language a coach uses to describe exercises, and training in general, and how these can impact training outcomes.  He also speaks on specific learning styles that can also be used in one’s visualization routines, as well as his take on the use of analogies and imagination in athletic skill performance.  Logan also goes into elements of old-school strongman training, as well as a quick take on why testosterone has dropped across the world over the last 50-100 years by a substantial margin.

Today’s episode is brought to you by SimpliFaster and Lost Empire Herbs.  For 15% off your Lost Empire Herbs order, head to www.lostempireherbs.com/justfly.

View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

Timestamps and Main Points

5:40 – Talking about managing training in context of holding back and achieving balance in order to have continual progress

11:10 – How the language a coach uses in the course of a workout can impact the outcome of the training (especially on the level of over-training)

14:25 – The four learning styles, and how to leverage these learning styles for better training results

20:40 – How to specifically optimize the auditory learning style in training

23:10 – How to approach strengths vs. weaknesses in terms of the four learning styles and physical training

32:00 – How analogies, as spoken about by Nick Winkelman, can be effective for athletes in light of Neurolinguistic programming philosophy

33:40 – How imaginatory ability impacts one’s physical and athletic abilities

39:10 – If Logan could pick only one mental training tool for himself now, and then 10 years ago, what he would utilize

43:10 – How much mental training Logan does now that he has over a decade of mental training under his belt

50:10 – Some old school strongman lift performances from the past that haven’t been touched in the last 50 years

55:25 – Speaking on the link between breathing and strongman training

59:10 – Why testosterone has dropped so much in the last 50 years

“Typically I don’t even refer to my workouts as workouts, I refer to them as “training””

“I like to use the word “severety” for “effort” instead (of intensity)”

“Words do matter, this is going to change the results we get”

“(With language) taking a small thing and compounding it over time is going to be a big difference”

“The four (learning) styles are visual, auditory, kinesthetic and digital”

“Most people in sport tend to be kinesthetic learners…. The visual and kinesthetic are common in athletes”

“As a coach, we are going to coach predominantly in our own style”

“Very often,