Just Fly Performance Podcast

Just Fly Performance Podcast

10: Ryan Horn

August 05, 2016

Ryan has an unbelievable amount of experience with all the modern tech tools available to the modern strength coach, but more importantly, has a perspective on all of it that goes well beyond his years in the field.

It’s easy to find yourself on one side or the other, in regards to technology in sport, saying that it is either the absolute solution to the needs of the sports performance field, or that it is an intuition robbing, “keep up with the Joneses” field that universities and top professional institutions feel they must have to be current and modern.

Ryan’s talk helped me really to understand the heart of a coach using technology and monitoring within the scope of still being a coach first and foremost. People who poke fun at the hyper-monitoring high-performance directorship that some of athletic performance is turning towards sometimes blind themselves to the fact that, at the heart of the matter, coaches who are using technology to assist them, are mostly great coaches before they are tech users.

Ryan and I talk about that balance on the show today, in addition to a lot of other awesome training info that you’ll see within the key points area of these show notes, including plyometrics, jump training, training load for players of varying heights, energy system development for basketball, and much more!