Jonathans Verdicts

Jonathans Verdicts

Latest Episodes

What we Know About Brett Kavanaugh
September 29, 2018

The verdict for this episode is: Brett Kavanaugh is a liar. In this episode, I discuss several lies Brett Kavanaugh told during his testimony on Thursday. I conclude with the idea that if you support Kavanaugh,

Democrats Should Stop Talking About Impeachment
August 28, 2018

The verdict for this episode is: Donald Trump should be impeached, but won't.

Reforming the Supreme Court
June 24, 2018

The verdict for this episode is: the process for confirming people to the Supreme Court is broken.

Real Wages and Rent
June 16, 2018

The verdict for this episode is: for many Americans rages are not keeping pace with the cost of living.

I got a Job!
June 10, 2018

The verdict for this episode is: I miss blogging and podcasting.

It's Guns Stupid!
February 19, 2018

The verdict for this episode is: dozens of other countries have violent video games.

Are You Willing to Have Your Child Shot?
February 18, 2018

The verdict for this episode is: arming teachers only makes sense if you're willing to have your child shot.

Guns and Law Abiding Citizens
February 17, 2018

The verdict for this episode is: everyone is a law abiding citizen--until they aren't.

Better Finances for People With Disabilities
January 14, 2018

The verdict for this episode is: everyone involved with the disability community should learn about ABLE accounts.

Explaining the Republican Tax Bill
December 31, 2017

The title of this episode is: Explaining the Republican Tax Bill. The verdict for this episode is: Republicans care more about corporations than people.