Jonathans Verdicts

Jonathans Verdicts

Latest Episodes

Michael Flynn's Russia Involvement Explained
December 03, 2017

The verdict for this episode is: Flynn's guilty plea proves the so-called fake news is right a lot of the time.

Republican Tax Bills Will Add Trillions to the Debt
November 18, 2017

The verdict for this episode is: Republicans don't care about the debt.

The Russian Uranium Deal Explained
October 28, 2017

The verdict for this episode is: Hillary Clinton didn't trade uranium for donations to the Clinton Foundation.

John Kelly is not Admirable
October 24, 2017

John Kelly is not Admirable

Black Lives Matter
October 12, 2017

The verdict for this episode is: my Facebook post about all lives matter was wrong.

Tax Brackets Create Winners and Losers
October 03, 2017

The verdict for this episode is: reducing the number of tax brackets makes things far more unfair than simple.

Republicans Care Way More About Banks Than us
September 26, 2017

The verdict for this episode is: class action law suits are the best way to protect consumers cheated by financial institutions.

Jemele Hill Doesn't Deserve Discipline
September 19, 2017

The verdict for this episode is: Jemele Hill's conduct is not akin to that of Curt Schilling or Linda Cohn.

Disagreement and Understanding Must Coexist
September 02, 2017

The verdict for this episode is: we shouldn't have to agree to share respect.

Slavery was the Reason for Secession
August 26, 2017

The verdict for this episode is: the words of the treasonous states demonstrate that slavery was the reason for secession.