90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#1136 A Powerfully Simple Technique for Assimilating Information that I Wish I Learned Earlier in Life
September 13, 2021

Understanding a concept lies not in memorizing and regurgitating information, but in your ability to explain it to others (or to yourself) in simple terms. Today we discuss a powerfully simple techniq

#1135 Making a Profound Difference on the Life of Another
September 07, 2021

As we look at drivers of happiness, making a profound difference in the life of another is very high up on the list. Think about those people that helped shape your life in a positive way. Now identif

#1134 This One Simple Hack Will Transform Your Day
August 30, 2021

Today’s discussion is about how to start your day on the right foot from the moment you first open your eyes. In less than 30 seconds this one simple hack will transform your day. …

#1125 The Simplest Method for Ensuring that You Reach Your Goals
June 28, 2021

One of the reasons why people aren’t successful in attaining their goals is that they get sidetracked which puts their focus on things that may be urgent, but aren’t important in terms of achieving th

#1124 Schedule Time to Work on Your Business Not Just in Your Business
June 21, 2021

The most successful people in business or in life devote time to contemplate the big picture and think strategically about where they want to go. This week’s discussion is about how to ensure that you

#1123 A Simple Framework for Getting the Most Out of Every Hour You Have
June 14, 2021

Our most precious resource is time and yet so often so spend it doing things that are non-productive. What if we got more focused on getting the most out of our time. Today we look at a simple framewo

#1122 7 Powerful Ways to Win People Over
June 07, 2021

Success requires the help of others. Whether they come in the form of customers or mentors at some point we will need to make people like us. Today’s discussion focuses on 7 powerful ways to win peopl

#1121 Remove Emotion From Your Financial Decisions
June 01, 2021

The wealthiest people I know have something in common, they don’t get attached to non-living things. This allows for the discipline to sell things like houses and cars when opportunities in the market

#1121 Remove Emotion From Your Financial Decisions
June 01, 2021

The wealthiest people I know have something in common, they don’t get attached to non-living things. This allows for the discipline to sell things like houses and cars when opportunities in the market

#1120 Adhering to the No A**hole Rule
May 23, 2021

Most of us spend more of our waking hours working than doing anything else in our lives. There’s nothing worse than having to work with toxic people. The solution can found by simply adhering to the n