90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#1146 Prepare for Life’s Contingencies
November 29, 2021

Things often don’t go as planned. Today’s discussion may help to ensure that you do what’s necessary to protect yourself and your family by ensuring that you prepare for life’s contingencies. …

#1145 5 Hacks for Managing the Stress of Returning to Work
November 22, 2021

Whether it’s getting back to the office after working from home, or returning to work after vacation, it can be a stressful experience. Today’s discussion on 5 hacks for managing the stress of returni

#1144 If You Want to Make Changes in Your Life Be Accountable to Someone for Your Results
November 08, 2021

Life changes require discipline. If you have something important that you need to do or accomplish, find a partner to hold you accountable for the outcome you desire. Being held accountable might just

#1143 Five Ways to Generate More Joy in Your Life
November 01, 2021

There isn’t a person on the planet that wouldn’t like to have more joy. Today’s discussion focuses on the understanding and creation of long term joy in your life. We will also touch on how to increas

#1142 How to Move Beyond Your Self-Inflicted Barriers
October 25, 2021

We all have limiting beliefs. These are deep rooted thoughts that we’ve acquired about ourselves that are preventing us from getting where we want to go. Most of these beliefs are irrational and are u

#1141 The Mechanics of Managing Work Life Balance
October 18, 2021

Creating a healthy balance between work and family requires some difficult decisions coupled with the discipline to to manage your calendar on an ongoing basis. Today we focus on the mechanics of mana

#1140 Are You Being Paid What You Are Worth?
October 11, 2021

The question you should be asking yourself as an employee: are you being paid what you are worth? Given the labor shortages and the difficulty of finding good people for available positions, it’s an e

#1139 If You Want to Eliminate Stress in Your Life Take These Steps to End Procrastination
October 04, 2021

Procrastination creates unneeded stress and can negatively effect your outcome. If you want to eliminate stress in your life take these steps to end procrastination.…

#1138 Negative Self-Talk Will Inhibit Your Success. Today We Show You How to Rewrite Your Narrative.
September 27, 2021

We are often our own single biggest obstacle to success. If you tell yourself that you’re not worthy or deserving, you’re creating a tremendous barrier to achievement. Create your own internal narrati

#1137 If Your Political Beliefs are Effecting Certain Relationships You Need to Hear This
September 20, 2021

Are there people that you no longer speak to because of their politics? Today we take a look at what’s fueling the animosity. …
