90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#711 Become a Great Listener
July 20, 2017

If you want to be a well-liked person, become a great listener. Here are some thoughts on how to do it.…

#710 The Power of Repetition
July 19, 2017

Just because you’ve heard something before doesn’t mean you won’t come away from hearing it again with a new perspective or idea. In the end it may just help you remember it. Don’t discount the power of repetition.…

#709 Allow People to Speak
July 18, 2017

It’s human nature to want to be heard. When someone is talking, resist the desire to jump in. Allow people to speak by providing the space they need to finish their thought before you respond.…

#708 Get Interested in What People Have to Say
July 17, 2017

We are quick to assume that we know about a topic someone is discussing or that we completely understand the person that is speaking. When we reach this assumption we begin to tune them out. What if we could genuinely get interested in what people have...

#707 Let Go of Things That Are Holding You Back
July 14, 2017

There are many challenges we face in life that inhibit our ability to become happier, more successful people. They may initially come from other people (i.e. your father told you that you’d never amount to anything) or they are are entirely self-create...

#706 Forgiveness Is Liberating
July 13, 2017

Let go of anger and resentment. Forgiveness is liberating…

#705 Self-Created Limitations
July 12, 2017

Most of the barriers we face in life are self-created limitations. You must realize that you have the ability to move beyond these self-imposed ceilings. See yourself where you want to be and maintain your focus on that outcome.…

#704 You Don’t Always Have to Be Right
July 11, 2017

Think about all of the arguments you’ve had with people. What if you simply accepted the fact that you don’t always have to be right? If you let others be right they will like you better and you will reduce conflict in your life.…

#703 Stop Blaming Other People for Your Problems
July 10, 2017

Accept responsibility for everything that happens to you. If you stop blaming other people for your problems you take control of your own destiny.  …

#702 Limit Your Exposure to Negative People
July 07, 2017

If you want to be a happier person, limit your exposure to negative people.…