90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

90 Second Navigator with Joel Brookman

Latest Episodes

#721 Take Interest in the Lives of Your Employees
August 03, 2017

If you want to be a great boss, take interest in the lives of your employees.…

#720 Ensure That Your Employees Remain Appreciative
August 02, 2017

When you treat your employees well, at some point that just becomes the new normal. Ensure that your employees remain appreciative by providing them with ongoing incremental rewards.…

#719 The Platinum Rule in Business
August 01, 2017

If all managers adhered to the platinum rule in business, the result would be happy, motivated employees working hard for thriving businesses.…

#718 How to Be a Great Boss
July 31, 2017

Most people don’t think about how to be a great boss. If you focus on driving the happiness and success of your employees, you will succeed at being a great boss.…

#717 Tailor Your Management Style to Each Employee
July 28, 2017

One size fits all is not a solution for managing people. Instead try to tailor your management style to each employee that reports to you.…

#716 Managing Millennials
July 27, 2017

For those of us that are Gen X’ers or Baby Boomers, managing millennials can be challenging. Begin by understanding how they were raised and where their priorities lie. Once you do this you will be in a better position to lead them.…

#715 See the World Through the Eyes of the People You Manage
July 26, 2017

If you manage people you want to be seen as a supportive leader. One way to get there is to see the world through the eyes of the people you manage then adjust your leadership style accordingly.…

#714 Empowering Your Employees
July 25, 2017

Strong leadership isn’t about telling people what to do it’s about empowering your employees to make good business decisions.…

#713 One Size Fits All No Longer Works for Management
July 24, 2017

Every generation seems to be motivated by different factors. One size fits all no longer works for management. Here are some thoughts on how to adapt.…

#712 Listening with an Open Mind Drives Successful Collaboration
July 21, 2017

Most careers require you to work with other people. Listening with an open mind drives successful collaboration. Do your best to strip away preconceived ideas and open yourself up to differing viewpoints.…