Deep Future
Latest Episodes
Hacking the Brain – Moran Cerf
A true polymath, Moran started out in the Israeli military, in one of their elite intelligence units. Then ended up working as a hacker in computer security. And to this day is still in demand for tha
Internet Random Mail Reader & Nipple Detection – ØF
Two nerds bullshitting about stunts on the internet.Another idea I had a long time ago. That, unfortunately never deployed widely. I prototyped in the late nineties, it was called the Internet Ra
Autopsy of a Failed 3D Printer Company – Riley Knox
Riley Knox is an entrepreneur that I met when I was hanging out in Austin, Texas, and I was just truly impressed with him, his energy, his outlook, his technical approach to building these companies t
Lashbot5000 & Miyagibot – ØF
Two nerds bullshitting about possible robots. The Lashbot5000 is a concept for adapting a surgical robot to install lash extensions. Apparently this has now been accomplished by LUUM in Oakland
Knowledge Graph vs. LLM – Bryon Jacob
Years ago, I got to be an advisor for this company called, and at the time, they were just getting started on helping figuring out how do you converge all the data sets that are in the worl
AI Beyond Deep Learning – A Conversation with Ryad Benosman
One of the things thats on the verge of excitement and annoyance for me is the way that Artificial Intelligence work has all kind of converged around deep learning. Deep learning is amazing and super
GyroGlove – ØF
Short episode where Ash & Pablos marvel at this ingenious invention called the GyroGlove that can ameliorate the jittery hands of folks with Parkinsons disease.If anyone can introduce us to th
Postmodernist Cuisine – A conversation with Chris Young
Well, if you ever got tired of listening to me, talk. Todays the day when you just get to hear from my buddy, Chris Young, because I wound him up and clicked go, and he just talks, and its great. He
Mixtapes: a Lightweight Plan to Save the Internet – ØF
Pablos: People are pissed off about social media all the time. They think that Facebook is making people vote for the wrong person.Its still very difficult to find somebody who thinks they voted f
Primer on Fusion Reactors — Bob Mumgaard and Steve Renter
This is a conversation with Bob Mumgaard and Steve Renter, founders of Commonwealth Fusion Systems in Cambridge, Massachusetts. So these guys spun out of MIT. An incredible, ambitious, company to figu