Deep Future
Latest Episodes
Materials for Biomimetic Robots – Rob Shepherd
Ive gotten to spend a little bit of time with Rob Shepherd over the years. Hes working on soft robotics and all the different kinds of materials advancements that could really help us make robots tha
Mother of all Tattoos – ØF
Two nerds bullshitting about augmented reality tattoos.Pablos: I dont know if this exists, but AR tattoos should totally be a thing. and this is just I think theres a couple different embodime
3D Printing Meth on the Moon – Lee Cronin
Lee Cronin is a true mad scientist. Hes a professor of chemistry in Glasgow, where he also founded Chemify. This is a company that has invented a new type of approach to accomplish chemistry, very an
Killer Cap – ØF
Two nerds bullshitting about an augmented reality baseball cap.Pablos: With AR, I think we got it wrong.Everybodys been trying to put dragons in the room or have a whale in the room or wha
Mother of all Annotators – ØF
Two nerds bullshitting about being able to annotate everything.
New Senses for Humans – David Eagleman
If you ever get the chance to hang out with David Eagleman, first of all do it. The first thing youre going to notice is that hes extremely nice, fun, outgoing and very friendly. Hes lit up in the br
Mother of all Bug Trackers – ØF
Two nerds bullshitting about a worldwide bug tracker.
Brain Music made with Neuroscience — John Vitale
Music producer & sound engineer John Vitaleis creating music to help people optimize brain states. After co- founding Focus@Will, where he designed music and soundscape channels for flow state he
Fingers for Robots – ØF
Two nerds bullshitting about robots getting some of mammals greatest hits.