The JCast Network Total Feed

The JCast Network Total Feed

Latest Episodes

Climbing Jacob’s Ladder and Wrestling with God
August 07, 2014

The patriarch Jacob is one of the most relatable psychologically complex characters in the Bible. In this session with Rabbi Knopf, we study two dark nights of Jacob’s life, and unlock the lessons those experiences have for our lives.  

True, Important, Kind
August 06, 2014

How to criticize more constructively, a sermon for Parashat D’varim.    

The Secret of Jewish Survival
August 05, 2014

In this haftarah introduction for Shabbat Hazon, Rabbi Knopf argues that the greatest threat to Jewish survival was not foreign enemies, intermarriage, or lack of ritual observance. It is losing track of who we are supposed to be and what we are called to

Get Up, Move
August 04, 2014

Most of us want to be comfortable and avoid struggle. But in this D’var Torah on Parashat D’varim, Rabbi Knopf argues that sometimes, seeking out new challenges is the only way we can flourish.  

“In the Beginning…” A Radical Reading of Genesis
July 31, 2014

We Jews don’t usually study the opening chapter of Genesis in depth, but when we do, as in this session with Rabbi Knopf, we can find a text with significant moral demands and that is surprisingly harmonious with modern biology and physics.

What You Can Do for Israel (And What You Can’t)
July 30, 2014

With Israel under attack by Hamas rocket fire, many feel powerless to do anything constructive. The most constructive thing we can do is to never lose hope that peace is possible.    

Judgment Free Zone
July 28, 2014

How the biblical Cities of Refuge and Planet Fitness can serve as models for synagogue rejuvenation.    

Oath of Office
July 23, 2014

In his first sermon as rabbi of Temple Beth-El, Rabbi Knopf shares the values that guide his approach to Judaism and his rabbinate.    

July 22, 2014

The Torah’s command that we not sit comfortably while our brothers and sisters go to war teaches us about how to relate to Israel during a time of crisis, and also to others in our daily lives who are struggling.    

Q & A with Rabbi Knopf
July 03, 2014

Join the conversation, as Rabbi Knopf’s students ask him their most burning Jewish questions, ranging from Rabbi Knopf’s journey to the rabbinate to the future of the conservative movement and beyond.