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Judge Yourself Fairly
September 01, 2014

Rabbi Knopf’s Friday message for Parashat Shoftim (August 22, 2014): This month leading up to the High Holy Days is a time for the valuable task of evaluating ourselves. But when you judge yourself, remember to judge yourself fairly.

What Does God Ask of You?
August 28, 2014

What God wants from us is not always so clear. In Deuteronomy chapter 10, Moses tries to break it down. Join Rabbi Knopf as he unpacks this powerful text.    

Perspective and Reality
August 27, 2014

Rabbi Knopf’s Saturday message for Parashat Re’eh (August 23, 2014): The quality of our life is often dictated by how we choose to see our life. And how we relate to the world is strongly connected to how we choose to view the world.

Ferguson and the Jewish Call for Justice
August 25, 2014

Rabbi Knopf’s Friday message for Parashat Re’eh (August 22, 2014): Whether or not Michael Brown’s killing was racially-motivated, the wounds it exposed and the tensions it ignited cannot be ignored by the Jewish community. The Torah call

The Deuteronomy Diet
August 21, 2014

Rabbi Michael Knopf explains how lessons from the Torah and Jewish law can help us eat better and live longer, healthier lives.    

The Ebola Epidemic
August 20, 2014

Rabbi Knopf’s Saturday message for Parashat Eikev (August 16, 2014): The Ebola epidemic in West Africa is not about a disease. It’s about poverty and injustice. What we Jews can and should do about it. Please pardon the echo in this episode of

Torah from the Jester, the Genie, and John Keating
August 18, 2014

Rabbi Knopf’s Friday message for Parashat Eikev (August 15, 2014): What Robin Williams’ life and legacy can teach us about being the best we can be.

“And the Bush Was Not Consumed:” Moses’ Mission as Our Mission
August 14, 2014

Moses is a complex man, an imperfect leader, and someone who stumbles into relationship with God. In this session with Rabbi Knopf, we study the story of Moses’ encounter with God at the Burning Bush, and unlock the lessons that experience has for o

Planting For Our Children
August 13, 2014

Rabbi Knopf’s Saturday message for Parashat Va-Et’hanan (August 9, 2014): When we insist that our favorite parts of synagogue life are untouchable and immutable, we can inhibit our ability to reach the next generation of Jews.  

Keeping Up With the Steins
August 11, 2014

Rabbi Knopf’s Friday message for Parashat Va-Et’hanan (August 8, 2014): Worrying about what other people have that we don’t is corrosive to our souls and keeps us from true happiness.