Jameka Leap of Faith

Jameka Leap of Faith

Latest Episodes

02: Levette- Enneagram 9, Marriage to an 8, Conflict, Tattoos, & Decision-Making
June 13, 2019

We're back for part 2! This episode continues an interview with my sister, Levette, who is a 9 on the enneagram, married to an 8. How we handle family conflict The enneagram as a tool to strengthen relationships The intensity of being a 9 with wing 8...

01: Levette- Enneagram 9, Introvert, Energy Management, and Shame in Your Sibling's Shadow
June 10, 2019

Kicking off the series with an interview featuring my sister, Levette. She is a NINE on the Enneagram. Type 9's are known to be the most laid back, easy going, unselfconscious number on the enneagram. In part 1 of her interview, we discuss: The...

FOTS: Self-Control- Your Priorities or God's?
April 22, 2019

In this episode, we dive into the final Fruit of the Spirit: Self Control (Temperance). Despite all we have access to in this world that impacts our feelings, emotions, actions, use of time and resources, etc., how can we honor God through...

06: What and Why of Social Media Fasting
January 23, 2019

Wondering what's the big fuss about social media fasts? Wondering how you can get some time to just focus and recenter? Consider a social media fast. This episode discusses Jameka's experiences with social media fasts and the benefits.   Related...

05: Mondays Are For Spiritual Discipline
January 21, 2019

While every day should be for spiritual discipline, on the podcast, Monday's will be specifically devoted to (no pun intended) spiritual discipline by sharing a devotional from the word of God. Many of the episodes will reference personal studies that...

04: Somebody Needs You to Get Free From Your Past to Break Free From Theirs
January 13, 2019

This is an updated audio version of Jameka's blog post: "Somebody Needs You Delivert!"   Struggling with some kind of secret sin or a shameful past? Jesus did not victoriously die on the cross for you to stay enslaved to your past. Someone is...

03: Can You Handle What You're Begging God For?
January 13, 2019

This is the audio version of Jameka's blog post: "I Can't Even Handle What I'm Begging God For" Listen as Jameka explains what God is teaching her about being able to steward what she's praying for instead of having a mentality that she can get...

02: Can vs. Should: Discerning When to Say Yes
January 13, 2019

Sometimes, we look up and don't even realize we have taken on more than we should. We may have meant well but can't sustain the things on our plate. That's when it's time to reassess, with discernment, by asking, "Yes, I CAN do this, but SHOULD I, in...

01: 4 Ways to Help Authentically Walk in Your Purpose
January 09, 2019

This is the audio that supports Jameka's blog post, "4 Ways to Help Authentically Walk in Your Purpose." Audio and blog post are not identical. Related Posts: Know Your Why's: Why I Blog 4 Ways to Help Authentically Walk In Your Purpose