Yooper Catholic Podcast

Yooper Catholic Podcast

Latest Episodes

The Meaning of Suffering Week 4
March 18, 2021

The Gospel of God's love for the world sheds light on the meaning of suffering, for Christ so loved the world, he entered into our suffering and death, to fill it with his greater love and life in victorious resurrection.  In this episode, Father...

3.17.21 St. Patrick
March 17, 2021

To celebrate St. Patrick, let's not only drink copious amounts of green beer.  Let's learn from his inspiring example and imitate his generosity in God's service!  In this episode, Father Ryan speaks of four lessons we can learn and apply to...

3.8.21 - John of God
March 08, 2021

Today's saint is John of God, a Portuguese soldier who abandoned that life to care for the sick.  The Scripture reading for today is the washing of Naaman the Syrian, which foreshadows Christ's spiritual work in the Sacraments of Baptism and...

The Meaning of Suffering Week 3
March 08, 2021

Jesus not only suffered for us - he also opens his suffering to us so we can participate in it, and join him in his work of restoration through reconciling love.  In this episode, Father Ryan explains how we can be sharers in the sufferings of...

The Meaning of Suffering Week 2
March 03, 2021

Jesus reveals the definitive meaning of suffering in his divine and crucified love.  As the innocent lamb who offered his life as an act of love to the Father and to us, he filled the gap between us and God with perfect goodness.  Jesus...

The Meaning of Suffering Week 1
February 22, 2021

Pope St. John Paul II's 1984 letter on the Christian meaning of human suffering is still a relevant message, especially after this year of suffering.  In this episode, Father Ryan begins to look at the redemptive purposes of suffering, and the...

Preaching the Gospel
February 11, 2021

Jesus and St. Paul prioritize the healing of souls and casting out demons by preaching the Good News of the Father's love.  The Gospel gives meaning and purpose and hope in a dark and hopeless world.  In this episode, Father Ryan reflects on...

Harden not your hearts
January 31, 2021

Jesus is the 'prophet like Moses' who teaches with his divine authority.  His teaching has power to liberate us from the grip of evil, if we listen and respond with obedient faith and action.  Jesus' power is available to us in the...

Fishers of Men
January 27, 2021

Jesus calls us to respond to his voice and not delay!  Through his Word in Scripture and the needs of other people, God calls us to show our faith and love through our actions.  In this episode, Father Ryan explores how we can do this, and...

Lord, I Am Your Servant
January 19, 2021

In this week's Gospel from John chapter 1, John gives us the image of staying with Jesus as one meaning of faith.  Like Samuel, we're called to stay by Jesus' side, listening, asking questions, seeking his will, and responding as we see what he...