Yooper Catholic Podcast
Latest Episodes
The path to glory
Jesus teaches us the true meaning of baptism and the Eucharist when he calls James and John to follow Him in service and suffering. In this episode, Father Ryan explains how the path to glory passes
The Gift and Fruitfulness of Marriage
Jesus gives us a positive, joyful, vision of the high calling of marriage in God's plan from the beginning. Rather than focus on the rules, he wants spouses to focus on their relationship and the goo
True Greatness
Jesus turns our idea of greatness upside-down and teaches us the way of humility and service. In this episode, Father Ryan contrasts the wisdom of the world with the wisdom of Christ's kingdom, and h
Living by Faith
What does it mean to live by faith? Faith is acting towards a future that is not yet here. In this episode, Father Ryan examines how everyone lives by faith in something, and how we can know we're r
Spiritual deaf and mute
Isaiah predicted a coming King who would open deaf ears and blind eyes and pour out the Spirit like water upon us. In Jesus, we see and hear God incarnate, and the Holy Spirit impresses the reality o
One mind and heart in the Spirit
Happy Pentecost Sunday! The Holy Spirit unites us firmly together in one mind and heart in Christ. In this episode, Father Ryan draws from Acts 2 to show how the Holy Spirit unites us in the Church and transform us into the image of Christ.
The Eucharist Builds the Church Week 1
Jesus promised when he returned to the Father he would be with us always, until the end of time. He fulfills this promise in the Eucharist and all the Sacraments, and gives us his Spirit to live in us. In this episode, Father Ryan begins a...
Easter 2021 Week 6
Jesus commands us to love because love is not a feeling, but a choice. Love is in the will. We choose to love. In this Mother's Day episode, Father Ryan looks at St. Catherine of Sienna's life as an example of love poured out for the...
Easter 2021 Week 5
"Are you saved?" This should be a burning question for all of us, and this weekend's readings give us signs by which we can know whether we're walking on the path of salvation. Jesus is clear that we need to remain in him as our source of...
Easter 2021 - Week 1
Jesus' resurrection is the fulfillment of the Scriptures, and the affirmation of his unbreakable union with us forever. In this episode, Father Ryan breaks upon the Scriptures of Jesus as the new Adam and father of the new human race. In...