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New Battle Reports
New Battle reports have been posted! Ossyan VS Butcher3 Denny1 vs Rasheth Feel free to give any feedback!Filed under: Podcasts
New Meta Episode 22- Road to Adepticon and Tourney Recap
Greetings All! This episode Trent, Tony, and I recap the tournament this weekend that had an outstanding 20 players! We discuss our lists and mathups and then go into a discussion about what… Continue reading →
Geordie inspired Xerxis 1- modeled by Trent painted by Tanner
Trent made me this awesome conversion following Geordie Hick’s example from Privateer Press. It only took a little bribe of a widowmaker solo and MOW Kovnik. Front Back in progress at this point… Continue reading →
More Blue Skorne!
Its been awhile since photos and I still haven’t taken pics of my paingivers yet but here’s what I have so far. Filed under: Bloggy Blog
New Meta Episode 21- Orboros Most Wanted
Download-> Episode 21 Rainbow in the Dark 55:20 Bloopers 1:04:18 Trent and I return after our exclusive tour of Europe, Scandinavia, and the Sub-Continent! In reality though we have both just been hit… Continue reading →