Irish Dave In The Morning

Irish Dave In The Morning

Latest Episodes

IDAR - It's A Trap!!
February 11, 2016

"Don't get me anything for Valentine's Day" - Is it a trap or not?

IDAR - Irish Dave All By Himself
February 11, 2016

Poor Irish Dave.

IDAR - The Word Game 0211
February 11, 2016

Irish Dave and Ric go head to head each day on the most fun game on radio.

IDAR - Throwing A Gator Into A Drive Thru
February 10, 2016

What!!!! Yes a guy really did this.

IDAR - Secret Romances
February 10, 2016

Did you ever have a secret romance? These callers did.

IDAR - Irish Dave's American Dream
February 10, 2016

Dave talks about his American Dream lol.

IDAR - The Word Game 0210
February 10, 2016

Each day Irish Dave and Ric go head to head against each other on The Word Game.

IDAR - Cool Or Not Cool
February 09, 2016

Irish Dave and Ric give callers options and they must decide if it is cool or not cool.

IDAR - Kid "Made" A New Girlfriend
February 09, 2016

Jonathan likes to call up Irish Dave and Ric randomly, today he spoke about why he "made a new on...