James Schramko Podcast

1001 - Harnessing the Power of Video: Strategies for Success in a Changing Digital Landscape
01:47 - James has seen a lot of changes since he came online. Knowing how to adapt is key.
04:24 - Charley talks about where he is as a podcaster.
06:10 - Here are some shifts in the game since James started podcasting for business.
08:12 - Time was you could get away with more and still rank well. Not so now.
10:20 - Charley discusses the benefits of podcasting for the Australian market.
12:03 - This is what Charley says James gets right on his show.
17:11 - Video is almost a given now in podcasting, and it will only get bigger.
20:10 - Combine a good show with effective video content distribution, and revenue tends to follow.
21:40 - Short videos have a large audience of their own.
24:04 - What video platforms do James and Charley focus on?
30:33 - James takes a pass on TikTok, but this is Charley’s experience…
34:26 - AI content creation tools have ushered in a wave of change.
37:19 - In our experts’ view, content is still a lot about people and creating a personal brand identity.
39:18 - Some things in the digital landscape won’t likely change soon.