James Schramko Podcast

James Schramko Podcast

1084 - The Future of Search: AI-Powered Strategies Beyond SEO

July 31, 2024

02:15 - Gert believes AI will have far-reaching effects that we can’t fully predict, and adapting is a must.

04:26 - With AI increasingly being used in everyday applications, intellectual property risk is becoming a concern.

08:30 - As the landscape of search and social media platforms evolves, it’s crucial to determine where your audience spends their time.

11:00 - AI integration in voice searches and devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant is transforming how we interact with technology.

12:37 - While data helps Google understand user behavior and improve the relevance of search results, it raises online privacy issues concerns.

14:16 - It used to be creating large volumes of content and generating numerous backlinks was sound SEO strategy. Not so now.

16:06 - AI is incredibly useful for tasks such as analyzing large datasets quickly, providing detailed insights, and helping create targeted content.

18:57 - While AI for SEO offers numerous benefits, it's important to approach its use with caution.

21:53 - At SEOLeverage.com, Gert and his team have been using AI in SEO for years to enhance their strategies.

24:45 - Modern SEO practices focus on understanding audience behavior, creating high-quality content, and using AI to improve site ranking and stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape.