James Schramko Podcast

James Schramko Podcast

1081 - Humans Defeating AI Robots

July 09, 2024

01:54 - Mario set out to make his book using AI generated content. The results, however, led him to take a more traditional route.

06:32 - Ours is a fascinating time where technology and human expertise are intersecting in unprecedented ways.

08:39 - AI is capable of many things, but we need to consider what we can reliably expect it to accomplish.

15:09 - In today's world, human service experience is becoming more valuable than ever.

17:00 - There is an ongoing competition between human capabilities and robotic automation.

21:00 - We live in a time where people increasingly expect instant gratification, compared to the days of old school marketing.

23:58 - The key to successful marketing is to educate your audience and provide genuine value.

29:41 - Consider how much human interaction or how many touchpoints are necessary to build a strong client relationship.

32:07 - It takes a certain amount of time and effort to land a new client in the current market.

37:10 - How do you stay top of mind with potential clients without being overly pushy?

38:40 - Is the market becoming oversaturated with AI-driven solutions?

40:59 - Mario urges people to reject shiny object syndrome and revisit foundational business principles.
