James Schramko Podcast

James Schramko Podcast

1079 - Buying Time. The Leverage Super Skill.

June 26, 2024

01:35 - For solopreneurs, learning to delegate tasks can significantly improve business growth and time flexibility.

04:35 - A shift from selling time for money to buying time is key to leverage.

07:24 - Simply auditing tasks identifies all the regular tasks being done in your business.

09:06 - Consider how much of your life you are willing to delegate to buy back your time.

10:36 - Focusing on tasks that significantly impact progress is key to success.

14:45 - SOPs can seem a pain to create. Here’s the solution…

20:15 - Deciding when and how to delegate sales is a critical business decision.

22:57 - Outside help can cover the skill gaps in your team.

24:19 - A common error made by some founders is micromanaging tasks instead of delegating.

25:50 - Clearly defining the desired outcome makes delegating responsibility more effective.

27:11 - Applying the one-three-one decision-making technique can enhance problem-solving.

28:26 - When can an operator help manage and scale your business?

30:44 - Some simple time management strategies will help you balance work and personal life.

32:38 - Prioritizing major tasks first ensures that the most important work gets done.