James Schramko Podcast

James Schramko Podcast

1077 - Digital Investing Update. Buy, Sell or Build?

June 12, 2024

02:59 - Recent changes and disruptions in the online space, as observed through James's partners, have prompted this timely conversation with Matt.

04:34 - The recent Google Helpful Content Update (HCU) has impacted content websites, particularly those Matt and Liz have been buying and selling since 2008.

07:27 - Matt recalls dealing with Google updates since 2008, stressing the need for resilience and adaptation in the online business landscape.

08:54 - Despite challenges, Matt advises looking for opportunities, especially for beginners affected by recent updates.

10:32 - James and Matt discuss the pros and cons of managing multiple sites versus focusing on a few high-performing ones.

16:37 - Sites driven by passion tend to perform better, as passion motivates sustained effort and engagement, leading to more authentic and valuable content.

19:34 - You can grow your website by improving traffic through SEO or paid methods and exploring alternative website monetization strategies.

21:49 - Building an engaged community through email lists, forums, and newsletters can contribute to the longevity and success of a content site.

23:47 - James shares his journey of finding the sweet spot for his surf site, demonstrating the value of relevant and engaging content.

25:49 - Matt emphasizes the importance of experimenting with multiple sites to determine which ones are successful.

27:34 - Passion sites with real traffic are increasingly valuable, as they align with Google's preference for helpful, high-quality content.

30:45 - Analyzing time on page and engagement metrics is crucial for determining a site's success and ensuring it meets Google's standards for quality content.

32:48 - The About page is frequently visited, and is critical for establishing trust and authenticity in the eyes of both Google and human visitors.

35:46 - It’s important to focus on relevant, high-quality content rather than sheer volume, pruning low-performing pages if necessary.

38:31 - Matt believes now is an excellent time to buy websites, especially those that have survived recent Google updates, as they offer proven value and negotiable deals.

44:05 - Paid traffic, when managed by a skilled agency, can be a powerful tool for reviving digital real estate affected by updates and driving significant ROI.

46:39 - Building real communities through forums, email lists, and newsletters is crucial, and sites with strong engagement can achieve significant success.

48:57 - James and Matt discuss the dynamic nature of the online space, which necessitates staying informed and adapting to new opportunities and trends.
