James Schramko Podcast

James Schramko Podcast

1070 - Getting Over 10,000 YouTube Views From 467 Subscribers

May 08, 2024

02:57 - The counterintuitive way to rack up views is to NOT ask people to watch. Here’s why…

04:12 - Have some respect for your viewers by considering THIS.

08:32 - Haters gonna hate, but here’s what you can do with bad comments…

13:38 - In video production, can you use B-roll footage that isn’t yours? Zac has his take.

17:35 - When you’re not well-known, a little trend jacking doesn’t hurt.

22:41 - You want to make X kind of video, but what does your audience want to watch?

25:24 - Sticking to a core topic and theme does THIS for your channel…

29:51 - My video production process has benefited a lot from Zac’s input.

36:36 - Sometimes you’re better split testing later than sooner.

40:58 - Zac and I round out our chat sharing video production steps, equipment, and content tips.

46:48 - If you’d like help with how to plan a video and think Zac’s the guy, here’s where to go…
