James Schramko Podcast

James Schramko Podcast

1046 - Million-Dollar Emails: What to Send to Your Email Database

November 14, 2023

03:04 - Before anything else, you need to establish the why behind building your email list.

04:53 - For so many businesses, the ultimate goal of gathering leads is to get them eventually on a phone call.

07:02 - Knowing the things that prevent people taking action is key to sending the right emails

07:48 - The fight for people’s attention is real. Will your lead magnet cut it?

09:14 - When people aren’t warm leads, it’s important to build the trust factor.

11:27 - Some things are trust breakers. Others are quite effective ways to build trust.

16:20 - When someone’s been burnt by so-called solutions before, you’ll need to overcome that doubt.

16:59 - How can you rouse people into taking action, when they’re comfortable where they are?

17:22 - People can be scared to fail. You’ve got to change their perception of failure.

18:18 - One of Will’s recent strategies is building lead gen engines for small businesses.

18:57 - With all the lead magnet possibilities, how do you choose what to offer?

22:55 - Will shares his seven-email automated sequence…

23:02 - First, give people what they’ve opted in for.

25:36 - Next, follow up - did they get what you promised? Have they gone through it?

27:39 - For the next three emails, overload with case studies and stories.

30:06 - Some practices really give sales a bad name…

33:38 - Modeled after the 9 word email of Dean Jackson, email six is where you finally ask for things. Possibly the million-dollar email.

36:17 - When people take the wrong action, nurture emails can give a little push in the right direction.

37:40 - While people are on the sequence, do you send them your email marketing newsletter?

39:38 - James shares a couple of other important emails…

40:28 - More emails won’t make you more sales if the quality isn’t up to par.

42:57 - Some marketers don’t need a lot of automation, but it has its place.

44:30 - Will closes the episode with some final tips…